Artichoke Line

The artichoke is one of the vegetables with more circulation within the agri-food sector worldwide, due to its great diversification of preparation and disposal; Heart of artichoke raw, artichoke chopped raw, heart artichoke cooked, artichoke chopped cooked, artichoke dressing, artichoke to marinate, artichoke bottom, etc …

Fabricación Maquinaria Alimentación, offers its customers the most modern and cost-effective facilities for the production of artichokes in its most varied production range: Truck unloading belt, turned pallet artichoke hopper, slicer, caliper lift, artichoke caliper, Distribution tapes, precookers-artichoke cookers, pre-coolers-coolers, artichoke peelers, artichoke peeler bulbs, artichoke heads inspection tapes, heart-beaters and artichoke counters, artichoke counters, artichoke choppers, linear choppers, fillers Volumetric.